Sunday, March 19, 2006

What a cool new toy! FatBoy came home with a new toy today - I'll call it RedDot. The Fat Cat knew immediately what to do. She showed me how to sit in wait, until RedDot appeared on the carpet. Then, the chase was ON.

Of course, I wanted to get in on the action, too, but sometimes RedDot went under the clocktail table and FatCat could get to it easily .. it was harder for me, but I did learn how to dive underneath and come out the other side. Sometimes, FatCat tried to monopolize RedDot (which only seems to come out when FatBoy is in the room .. I'm not sure why).

update: turns out RedDot is really called a Laser Pointer (I found the discarded box it came in). It apparently runs on 2 AA batteries. I wonder if they taste good?

Thursday, March 02, 2006

Honestly, I don't know what the excitement was about. It seems that FatBoy left town for a 2-day trip to Californica, and he asked The Two Nice People to check on the small dogs (with the long tails) and I.

Early the next morning, The Nice Lady came by and played with us, and then The Nice Man visited us in the afternoon. And then I got to watch TV and catch up on my sleep. When FatBoy returned (sometime after midnight last night), The Nice Man was with him, who seemed happy to have his car back. Something must've been going on, but for the life of me, I can't figure it out.